As we tip forward from Spring into British Summertime, (overlooking the snow..!) and see those blushing and ripe peaches glinting on the horizon, the question we want to ask is;
'Why not take it outside?'

Yes we know - this is the UK! But judging by the glorious weather we have been gifted during the last two years, the al fresco option does not seem so crazy! You can benefit from not only the security and knowledge that the open air is an environment of less concern in terms of spreading the virus, but also imagine you are in fact on the edge of a beautiful rolling vineyard in the Tuscan hills or a shady riverside retreat in the depths of the Loire valley. Having said that, a good old knees up in a Strawberry Field (without the LSD!) never hurt anyone.
So whether you do indeed set up camp entirely outside; tipis and gazebos for example or simply throw open the patio doors to bring the great outdoors in and get the best of both worlds, we believe the open-air element will be in vogue this year and for many more to come.
We come armed with pegs so a little breeze won't pause the music and we also benefit from having portable instruments so at the first spit of rain we can take cover or shelter easily.

Our wind instruments sing in nature, harking back to their roots,
and have so often inspired composers to relate to sounds of the environment and materials they were originally created from.
Ideas we love
Check out this blog on creating an idyllic and woodland setting for your event - everything from decoration and furniture to textiles and lighting:
Practicalities - what to consider when booking musicians in these outdoor settings!
As we should remind ourselves, we are in the UK so the essential thing is to have a rain plan!
It is a given that at the first sign of rain the musicians will have to pack up and retreat indoors. Similarly if the musicians are in direct sunlight this can cause problems as the instruments are not designed for total exposure in these weather conditions and this has to be our primary concern.
A sheltered spot or parasol can make all the difference and visually creates a focal point for your guests to know and respect the space around the musicians. Nothing worse than a tipsy great aunt elbowing the music stand of the clarinet player for example...! We can advise on what would be suitable to ensure that you are covered for all weathers and don't get any nasty surprises on the day as we all know how unpredictable this can be..