Getting the all clear to release restrictions and therefore limits on numbers at social gatherings is a blessing finally for the events and entertainment industry.

Although we are right to be cautious, seeing crowds at the football matches recently has been difficult to stomach for the millions of musicians, entertainers and event organisers out there because when you compare the situation in venues such as theatres and concert halls where seats dictate the distance between people, to seeing the throngs of people gathering in and around sporting events the government is sending out a clear message of prioritising these. And although it might be good for public morale, it is definitely not good for the morale of the events industry who feel that they have been neglected during this pandemic. It's not hard to see why.
Following musicians, actors, comedians and wedding planners on social media the message has been clear - what about us?
A great article featuring Nicola Benedetti who talks openly about this:
But while things are tentative we can see things freeing up and capacity events being more the norm. It is refreshing to know that more is possible and it is becoming increasingly commonplace to see people celebrating together in groups at events, receptions and weddings. Let yours be the next upcoming event in people's diaries; give them the gift of sharing a day, a gesture or simply a celebration of closeness.

We are waiting to treat your guests with a warm embrace, a musical hug to make them feel like they have never left the comfort of these social gatherings and want to distance themselves from the online meeting galleries forevermore!
Get in touch to design your ultimate set list and gets those feet tapping, tongues wagging and eardrums buzzing!